Take 2 Professional Coaching, Counselling & Psychotherapy
Online, Teddington, Twickenham, Richmond

I've always been a self-starter...

I worked up from music business Junior - to General Manager of a niche, high-profile fashion production & retail company. On the way, I managed industrial marketing communications and was the UK Marketing Manager for StratX, the international consulting group, headed by INSEAD Professor of Marketing, Jean-Claude Larreche - specialising in training board directors & managers in marketing strategy.

In 2007, after the fashion industry's "ab-fab" dramas failed to impress, I went freelance as a hands-on Marketing Projects Manager and as a Director of an Australasia-to-UK call-centre recruitment company. I still have business interests, as a Director in industrial services. I think creatively and my style is "can do".

My career, for the last 13/14 years as a psychotherapeutic-counsellor and life-coach, has given me considerable insight into the human condition and my experience here includes:

  • 6 years private coaching practice
  • 14 years private counselling / psychotherapy practice
  • 3 years p/t counsellor, ASCA (Addiction Support & Care Agency)
  • 1 year p/t counselling - centre for survivors of sexual & domestic abuse
  • 1 year p/t counselling clients - Metanoia Clinic
  • 1 year Programme Assistant, LifeWorks (resid. Primary Addiction Rehab)
  • 3+ years Assoc. Director, Kingston & District PCT: Mental Health Act Manager (reviewing those Sectioned under MH Act)
  • Administrating & marketing - BFSS National RE (interfaith/trans-cultural) Centre: training state school teachers in awareness, understanding / appreciation of cultural, race and religious difference.



  • Various training in Human Givens Therapy/Coaching, incl. key stress reduction techniques - 2020/2021
  • Professional, accredited Coaching training - PURE Coaching: 2018
  • Hypnotherapy training (rapid inductions) with Rory Z.
  • Coaching Certificate: 2015.
  • Advanced Acceptance & Commitment Therapy Training (ACT) (2014-2015)
  • PG Dip Transactional Analysis Psychotherapeutic Studies (2011 Metanoia/Middlesex Univ)
  • Trained MSc level - Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy (2007-2011 Metanoia Inst)
  • Trauma Therapy (Wealdon Inst)
  • Animal Assisted Therapy (Wealdon Inst)
  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Training (Kingston College)
  • Trained/initiated into Transcendental Meditation - after reading the late-great industrialist, Sir John Harvey Jones, practiced it.
  • Trainings in: Working with Couples, Working with Groups, Bodywork, Bowlby Attachment Relationships (PPA), Working with Addictions, Loss & Bereavement, Motivational Interviewing, Child Protection (ASCA)
  • Integral Model for Treating Trauma & Addiction, Addiction & Narcissism (LifeWorks)


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